Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chris Daughtry in Concert

Just so everyone knows he is GREAT in Concert if you ever get the change to see him you SHOULD!
Thank You Chad for such a great gift.

Holy Cow!!!

This is truly the biggest steer i have ever seen. See that lady in the back ground compared to the steers butt!! This was one huge animal! I guess that's what you get at the Orange County Fair, the biggest and the best.

A Little Beauty Around our Place

A few pictures I took around the place.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Woodshed Steak House (Great food wonderful company)

Lori and Bill
Brotherly love
Jack and Angie
Michelle and Matt

Love all around the table

Lonna and the Grandkids
Lori and Ariel (Grandaughter)
Jacob and Ariel (3rd cousins)

Carowinds 6 Flags Amusement Park

Chad and I had a hard time staying in the same state on this adventure.
Mitchel (Brother) and Chad play around on the boardwalk
Can you believe i got on this ride!!! 160 foot drop right out of the sky
Chad and I are sitting on the right side. WEEE!!! The Ossiginac boys Chad, Dad, and Mitch pose for a photo.
Bill is walking the fence which state will he choose?Emma Marie shows off the face paint she had done at the park earlier that day.

Dinner in South Carolina

Angie and Jack (cousin) have the family over the state line for a wonderful dinner in their beautiful home.
Chad spends sometime tickling Bryson before dinner.
Chad and I hang out in the newly finished sun room at Jack and Angie's.

Happy 4th of July

Bryson and Emma Marie (cousin Michelle and Matt's kidos)
get ready for the firework display!

Good Times Together

Chad and I celebrate 1 year together on the 4th of July at the Botanical Gardens for the Fireworks.

Suprise Party for Bill and Lori (Cook-out)

Ossiginac family goes bananas for the family picture.
Bill (Dad) and Lori (step mom) in the middle both wearing Blue shirts.
Cousin Michelle, me, Chad, and Bill sit together and enjoy a wonderful cook-out dinner.
Thank you to Matt and Michelle for all the wonderful food.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Mitch Ossiginac

Mitch has been waiting and waiting to be a super star on the blog so here he is!!
Mitchel Dean Ossiginac (Mitchelicious)

Charoltte Raceway

Bill (Dad) and Chad locked up at the raceway.

Chad and I are having a wonderful time down in North Carolina visiting his Aunt Lona, cousins , and their families. We arrived on Thursday June 28th and will be returning July 7th. This is just the first of many fun adventures we have planned for the week.

Bill (dad), Mitch (brother), Me, and Chad